Friday, December 10, 2010

WikiLeaks cables: Pfizer 'used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout' | Business | The Guardian

Seems like the same "caring" US companies who claim to want to better US lives with their products, are willing to resort to dirty deeds to kill dissent overseas if they are able to get away with it. It makes you wonder what lobbyist dollars are able to allow them to get away with here in America???

WikiLeaks cables: Pfizer 'used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout' | Business | The Guardian

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Grassley says short jobless extension would have passed without tax deal

Grassley says short jobless extension would have passed without tax deal

okay so where was the fierce urgency of now to give rich folk 700 billion dollars???????

The Ghosts Of Health Care Deals Past: Industry Negotiations Could Haunt WH In New GOP-Led Congress

The Ghosts Of Health Care Deals Past: Industry Negotiations Could Haunt WH In New GOP-Led Congress

This is what happens when you dance with the devil:The big Pharma deal that took away our right to negotiate for the lowest drug prescription prices will most likely be investigated by Republican Darryl Issa in the next congrssional session!

YouTube - Dyncorp exposed for the trafficking of Women and Children

YouTube - Dyncorp exposed for the trafficking of Women and Children

WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops - Houston News - Hair Balls

WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops - Houston News - Hair Balls

What an outrage! Where s the sanctified mainstream media and why are they not reporting on this??? But they want Wikileaks closed down!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Obama Tells Dems He'll Oppose Tax Cut Deal Without Unemployment Benefits, Other Relief

Your argument is flawed. You speak as if you know the founding father's intention behind what they have written on paper. I'd like to make an assumption­: The founding founders from the 1787's could not have even comprehend what America,an­d the world by extension, would have become by now in the present year 2010. Add that plus the amount of people who now live here in contrast to the small amount of people that made up American and the world that they had understand­ing of.

The Constituti­on is a living documents, constantly updated, and change (with discretion­) that was made to be able to adapt to what America was to grow to be.

Elementary arguments such as this one are for low informatio­n voters.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Stewart To Julian Assange: 'Stop With The Drama' (VIDEO)

A satirical news show that just so happens to host a rally in Washington Dc on NATIONAL POLITICAL DISCOURSE while railing on a legitimate news organizati­on(MSNBC) organizati­on that reports real news..forg­ive me if I don't connect your dots
About Jon Stewart
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Stewart To Julian Assange: 'Stop With The Drama' (VIDEO)

A satirical news show that just so happens to host a rally in Washington Dc on NATIONAL POLITICAL DISCOURSE while railing on a legitimate news organizati­on(MSNBC) organizati­on that reports actual news..forg­ive me if I do't hmmm I guess I don't see the defense you present
About Jon Stewart
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Stewart To Julian Assange: 'Stop With The Drama' (VIDEO)

Am I not clear?
About Jon Stewart
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost